Supply chain solutions for small and mid market segments

Retail Predictive analytic engine
How Religent technologies aims to solve the biggest headace of retail chains

While most enterprise customers  are well versed with the issues that plague their supply chain inventor problems a have  some  kind of  solution to tackle compliance. However its the small and the mid market retail stores and chains for whom managing real time inventory remains a perpetual consistent, made more acute by lack of investment on  an kind of predictive analytic engine or  that gives them what they need,  instead of having to buy the ” off the shelf solutions ” used by big and enterprise customers

This is where start ups like Retigence comes in, based out of Bangalore ,India we at Retigence believe that only real time number crunching technology can solve the acute  and ferquency of the computation associated with  predicting inventory distortion

Based on Retigence PRAN ( Retail Predictive Analytics Solutions )  on the SAP HANA platform, we help  stores align inventory with real time demand powered by  our analytics engine PRAN. To know more about our solutions click here